Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Braxton Hicks or Labor?

This is day two of some very frequent contractions. They are very mild and feel like my typical Braxton Hicks. However, yesterday they were between an hour and an hour and half apart all day long. Lots of discomfort in my hips and back, and I was convinced the real thing would begin last night. I made sure Brad got his bag packed and then he decided it was a good idea to get the Pack N Play together.

It was a very quiet night, however, and I slept very well. This morning the contractions are closer to 30-45 minutes apart. I happened to talk to Cindy and told her how things were going. She said she thinks this might be the real thing! Keeping a close eye on it while working on painting a bulletin board for the nursery. We'll see if I get it done or not! We have a doctor's appointment at 4pm today. I'm thinking maybe I'll throw my labor and delivery bag in the car just in case. It's just a waiting game!!

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